Welcome to jaraco.services documentation!#

This module provides a Service base class for modeling management of a service, typically launched as a subprocess.

The ServiceManager (deprecated) acts as a collection of interdependent services, can monitor which are running, and will start services on demand. The use case for ServiceManager has been superseded by the more elegant pytest fixtures model.

class jaraco.services.Dependable(name, bases, attribs)#

Bases: type

Metaclass to keep track of services which are depended on by others.

When a class (cls) is created which depends on another (dep), the other gets a reference to cls in its depended_by attribute.

class jaraco.services.Guard#

Bases: object

Prevent execution of a function unless arguments pass self.allowed()

>>> class OnlyInts(Guard):
...     def allowed(self, *args, **kwargs):
...         return all(isinstance(arg, int) for arg in args)
>>> @OnlyInts()
... def the_func(val):
...     print(val)
>>> the_func(1)
>>> the_func('1')
>>> the_func(1, '1') is None
allowed(*args, **kwargs)#
class jaraco.services.HTTPStatus#

Bases: object

Mix-in for services that have an HTTP Service for checking the status

build_url(path, host='localhost')#
proto = 'http'#
status_path = '/_status/system'#
wait_for_http(host='localhost', timeout=15)#
class jaraco.services.Service#

Bases: object

An abstract base class for services

depends: Set[str] = {}#
static find_free_port()#
static port_free(port, host='localhost')#
class jaraco.services.ServiceManager(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: list

A class that manages services that may be required by some of the unit tests. ServiceManager will start up daemon services as subprocesses or threads and will stop them when requested or when destroyed.

property running#

Start the service, catching and logging exceptions


Start all services registered with this manager


Start all services of a given class. If this manager doesn’t already have a service of that class, it constructs one and starts it.


Stop all services of a given class

class jaraco.services.Subprocess#

Bases: object

Mix-in to handle common subprocess handling

class PortFree(port=None)#

Bases: Guard

allowed(service, *args, **kwargs)#

A service is external if there’s another process already providing this service, typically detected by the port already being occupied.


Much like the property builtin, but only implements __get__, making it a non-data property, and can be subsequently reset.

See http://users.rcn.com/python/download/Descriptor.htm for more information.

>>> class X(object):
...   @NonDataProperty
...   def foo(self):
...     return 3
>>> x = X()
>>> x.foo
>>> x.foo = 4
>>> x.foo

‘…’ below should be ‘jaraco.classes’ but for pytest-dev/pytest#3396 >>> X.foo <….properties.NonDataProperty object at …>

wait_for_pattern(pattern, timeout=5)#
class jaraco.services.paths.PathFinder#

Bases: object

A base class for locating an executable or executables.

args: List[str] = []#

Additional args to pass to the exe when testing for its suitability

candidate_paths = ['']#

Potential roots to search for self.exe

abstract property exe#

The target executable

classmethod find_root()#
classmethod find_valid_roots()#

Generate valid roots for the target executable based on the candidate paths.

classmethod is_valid_root(root)#
classmethod resolve()#

Resolve an executable or raise RuntimeError if one cannot be found.

Indices and tables#